Scheduled maintenance - 30 July 2023
Scheduled Maintenance Report for Fireblocks Europe2
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Posted Jul 30, 2023 - 10:30 UTC
Verification is currently underway for the maintenance items.
Posted Jul 30, 2023 - 10:25 UTC
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Jul 30, 2023 - 08:00 UTC
The maintenance window moves one hour earlier to 08:00 AM UTC.
Posted Jul 27, 2023 - 09:51 UTC
We will be undergoing scheduled maintenance during this time.
Posted Jul 20, 2023 - 19:45 UTC
Our system will be down for maintenance during July 30 2023 at 08:00 AM UTC.
Estimated time for the maintenance is 2.5 hours, during which, the system will not be available for UI or API usage. Incoming transactions will be accepted. Push notifications (Webhooks) will be delayed and sent for registered customers after the system is back online.
Posted Jul 20, 2023 - 19:41 UTC
This scheduled maintenance affected: Web console, User authentication, Wallet management, Fireblocks mobile app, API, Transactions engine, API co-signer, Audit logs, Webhooks, and Payments engine.